Marketing your company well on the web is crucial
Looking for that extra kick for your marketing strategy? Why not show the whole world that your company is the best choice, with a great domain and web site? Instead of choosing a confusing domain like FRGTCO.com just because it was available, or XYZAccountingChatt.com to emphasize that you are local, why not choose a domain that memorable and emphasizes your local presence? Check our ever-growing list of domains below, upon which we can build your beautiful web site. If you buy one of our domains, your web site is FREE!
Why is the GigCity nickname such a big deal for Chattanoga?
That's a great question.
Choose from one of the great domains below or bring your own







Web sites &

Marketing your company well on the web is crucial
Looking for that extra kick for your marketing strategy? Why not show the whole world that your company is the best choice, with a great domain and web site? Instead of choosing a confusing domain like FRGTCO.com just because it was available, or XYZAccountingChatt.com to emphasize that you are local, why not choose a domain that memorable and emphasizes your local presence? Check our ever-growing list of domains below, upon which we can build your beautiful web site. If you buy one of our domains, your web site is FREE!
What will I get with my free web site?
Your site will contain your choice of one to five pages.
Extra pages start at $150
Color pattern chosen by you to reflect your brand.
Free stock photos or your photos.
Photos purchased are actual price.​
Photos & Videos produced by StarNet via camera or drone: $150/Hour.
Your existing logo.
Logo production by StarNet ​$150/Hour
Page content (text) created by you or cooperatively with us.
Back-end work to ensure that your site is live and working properly.
Monthly fees for hosting your site should not exceed $30 unless you choose add-ons.​
Two Free hours setting up Microsoft Office 365 to host your newly branded email. (Two Users)
If you choose to purchase a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, it will be billed directly from Microsoft.
Free financing! You have four months to pay for your shiny new web site and domain.
Choose from one of the great domains below or bring your own






Why is the "GigCity" nickname such a big deal for Chattanoga?
That's a great question.
Chattanooga was an amazing city long before it became known as Gig City. Chattanooga is known to be a can-do kind of city. It has a small town feel with most of the benefits of a much larger city. We have several very good hospitals, lots of primary through university educational opportunities, including an impressive choice of private schools. People can grow up here and never have to leave. Read more about that here if you wish.
However, the good people of Chattanooga had a desire to make sure that Chattanooga always had the ability to attract and retain all age groups and a vibrant working class of professionals. That's where the "Gig" comes in. Chattanooga was in dire need of a technological infrastructure refresh. What better way to do that than to pave the road for those who do it best? So, that's what they did. They went toe-to-toe with the big guys who offer Internet to the world and won. EPB, the city's electrical power and phone utility, built the fastest fiber (Gig, as in Gigabit) network in the country and offers faster options for less money. This translates to more jobs, better jobs, and more opportunities for everyone. Read more here, here, here, and here.
What that means for you is that you can use the "GigCity" to promote your business while at the same time celebrating the greatness of your city. GigCity is shorter than Chattanooga, still brings the local orientation, and adds a bit of fresh flair that can benefit even a well-established business. Finding the right domain can be difficult. We can make it easy.